Sla307 Art Space - founded in 2014, is a platform dedicated to promoting and sharing Lithuanian art and diaspora through inclusive and mutual cultural exchange. Sla307 curates a number of contemporary art exhibitions throughout the year that showcase local and international contemporary artists and provides a forum to explore critical issues within art and culture in New York City. We also feature a series of public programming, which includes lectures, performances, and film screenings, in order to further encourage cultural interactions between artists and audience.

Lithuanian Alliance of America (LAA) is an organization established in 1886 in Pennsylvania. Since 1910 the headquarters of organization remain in New York city, Chelsea district. Wanting to renew its activities as a non-profit organization, the Lithuanian Alliance of America launched its art program, Sla307 Art Space. The goal of the arts initiative is to facilitate a broader display of mutual cultural exchange in New York and harbor cultural dialogues created through the display of contemporary artistic expression and engaging public programming from a minority perspective and are open to the world.

Gallery Map Sla307 PDF here

Smart Dust group show , December 9, 2016

Julius Ludavicius Paintings, February 18, 2016

Julius Ludavicius Paintings, February 18, 2016