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In conjunction with Sandra Koponen's solo show Transmogrified Weather we are pleased to announce a music performance night!

Kenny Wollesen is a drummer of international acclaim who has performed and recorded with the most celebrated modern jazz and rock musicians: Tom Waits, Lou Reed, Bill Frisell, John Zorn, Steve Bernstein and Sex Mob and many others. His own projects include The Stone Clouds (aka Himalayas) an eclectic marching band and Wollesonic.

One of Kenny's projects with Wollesonic are touchless custom sonic massages with an array of strange and beautiful home-made instruments. Sandra Koponen is a regular with Wollesonic and Stone Clouds since 2003, is a sonic "masseuse" and performs on her own home-made contraption, her mostly percussive ribaphone.
She and Kenny collaborated on an animated music video, Frack is Wack, and this is their first live performance as a duo. There will be a surprise visual element and guest musicians at the end, continuing their tradition of spontaneous improvisation.

/Kenny Wollesen Group/
