Travis LeRoy Southworth discusses how one’s “day job” and artistic practice can be indelibly intertwined, and Moacir and Adriana ask about the underlying order of both the cosmos and cosmetics. Travis’s show, I Am a Portrait, opens on Friday, January 10, at 6pm.
Adriana recommends the show Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars, 1991 – 2011 at MoMA PS1.
Moacir describes designing a synthesizer case with some aesthetic relationship to the work done by Bastl Instruments, specifically their Rumburack case.
At one point, Adriana refers to Hito Steyerl’s “In Defense of the Poor Image.” Elsewhere, Moacir refers to the discussion of “la perruque” from Michel de Certeau’s The Practice of Everyday Life.
Podcast by Adriana Furlong and Moacir P. de Sá Pereira.
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